After six years of research and development, Hyundai has announced the arrival of the next step in cabin comfort with its new Road Noise Active Noise Control (RANC) system.
The system is designed to drastically reduce road noise within the cabin for a more peaceful journey. The technology builds on the existing Active Noise Control (ANC) technology which emits sound waves to invert incoming noise.
Downfalls of the existing system include a significant weight penalty due to the need for sound insulations and dynamic dampers. The system was also only used when noise was constant and predictable.
This latest incarnation of the tech though is said to “greatly improve in-cabin quietness”. It is able to analyse a variety of noises in real-time and counteract them by producing the inverted sound waves.
The RANC works by using an acceleration sensor which feeds information which is analysed in terms of vibration from the road to the vehicle. On average it takes only 0.002 seconds to analyse the noise and produce the required inverted sound wave. A 3-decibel drop in in-cabin noise has been recorded.
Patents have been completed and the new technology is expected to make its debut in production vehicles in an upcoming Genesis model.
More: All News